Remembering Robert E. Pattison Who Died on September 11th 2001 – A Tribute For His Family   30 comments

All week we’ve been asking you guys to send us  your 9/11 stories. This morning I received an e-mail from Emily. Emily is not a ToR reader, nor is she involved in the Rob fandom in any way. Her e-mail left me feeling shocked, as most 9/11 stories usually do. This one was a bit different though. It came from someone who had lost her cousin on 9/11, however each time she tried to Google his name she would only stumble on Robert Pattinson fan sites.  You see, her cousin’s name is very similar to Rob’s. His name is Robert Edward Pattison. 

I debated with myself about the best way to write this post. I wanted to honour her cousin’s memory without putting the focus on Rob. He deserves to be remembered for who he was and not because his name is similar to a Rob’s. He was a star in his very own way and he meant the world to the people who knew him. I also felt that it wasn’t fair to him or to his family that every time they googled his name they were unable to find anything about him. Hence this post. 

We felt like we owed Emily something. Everyone deserves a special place to be remembered. Maybe the next time when she Googles her cousin’s name, she’ll stumble on a post about him on a Rob site.  So we dedicate this post to Robert E. Pattison and to Emily and her family. May his life never be forgotten and may his star always shine down on them. 

In her e-mail Emily said the following:  

“I thought maybe your readers would enjoy reading an article about a real hero who shares a couple of similar names with your hollywood one.”

and  she sent me a link to an article that you can find below. 

From The Wicked Local

He called it “the top of the world.”

It was the 110th floor of the World Trade Center’s North Tower and that’s where 40-year-old Bob Pattison worked at the job he loved, tending transmitters for WCBS-TV.

“The last time I saw him in April, we talked about life up on the roof,” his younger brother, Brendan, would say during a eulogy at St. Charles Church. “Bob had told me how amazing the view was and how truly awesome the power of the wind was.”

Woburn native Robert “Bob” Pattison was working in the wind Sept. 11, 2001, 10 years ago this week, when a terrorist-piloted jet slammed into the North Tower at about 466 mph. His family has been led to believe he and his CBS coworkers survived the impact but perished when the structure collapsed nearly an hour and a half later. It took some four years for his partial remains, identified through DNA, to be returned to Woburn.

He was one of nearly 3,000 who died during the day’s coordinated attack

Read the rest of his story here

Posted September 9, 2011 by justfp in Robert Pattinson

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30 responses to “Remembering Robert E. Pattison Who Died on September 11th 2001 – A Tribute For His Family

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  1. My heart goes out to everybody and famlies that have lost a love one on 9/11.

  2. Emily,

    We wish you and your family the very best and you will be in our thoughts this September 11th.

    Sending lots of thoughts your way.

    Marie aka FP

  3. Thank you, Emily, for reaching out to ToR with your story. My belated sympathies to you and your family. Thank you justfp for doing such a lovely tribute post. My heart continues to ache for all that was lost that day…from human life to a country’s innocence.

  4. Pingback: What’s in a name… Remembering Robert E. Pattison who died on 9/11 « Blog Archive « In my dreams…

  5. Thank you emily for sharing the story with us (and ToR for post it). The memories about someone we loved always live in our heart and your cousin Robert E. Pattison is the real hero. He lived in his moment.

    My thought and heart goes to you and your familly on this Sept 11, 2011


  6. Wow what an mazing story!

    Emily thanks for sharing this story, my heart goes out to you and you’re family.


  7. Hallo Emily, thanks for sharing your story, my thought are with you and your family as to all the others who lost their loved ones on that particular day which is in our minds for ever. No matter were we live, we remembering that day with all of you.


  8. Thank you Emily, for sharing, and thank you Marie, for posting.
    This story warms and breaks my heart at the same time.
    My thoughts are with you and your family.
    Love, Mandy x

  9. I’m in Asia and not directly affected by 9-11 but I as a person who lost a love one I can sympathize. As long as we remember them in our heart and minds they will live on.

  10. Thank you Emily, for sharing. Thank you Marie, for posting.
    This story warms and breaks my heart at the same time.
    My thoughts are with you and your family.
    With love, Mandy x

  11. Emiliy,
    what a heartbreaking story, thanks for sharing these with us.
    My heart goes to you and your family on September 11th
    We will never forget.


  12. my heart goes out to the family<3

  13. Emily, thank you for wanting to share your story. it can’t be easy for you. sending belated sympathies, love and hugs to your family and everyone personally affected by the events of Sept 11th 2001.

    FP/ToR , again , a reminder, like the message in Remember Me, that the people who lost their lives aren’t just a number, a statistic. they were people like you and me who had everything to live for, and families that miss them.

  14. Emily, Thank you for sending the story and I hope we can give Bob some much deserved tribute.
    Sending you and your family lots of love.
    We will never forget….


  15. Pingback: DSNY AND 9/11 | MyDSNY Blog

  16. What a heartbreaker story you shared with us,Emily. Every time, when I read about somebody who died in that attack, my eyes are in tears, though I’m far from you,, here in Hungary. My heart goes out to you and the whole family. We will never forget.

  17. Emily…Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. My thoughts are with you & your family and with others who lost love ones on that day which none of us will never forget.


    Awesome post Marie.. ❤

  18. Wow. I am really blown away by all the responses. I have to say I have been hurt by putting myself out there on the internet before and never would I have ever imagined that I would find such a loving community in a place like this. Thank you for restoring my faith in the power of the internet for good. As my sister reminded me this morning after I told her that I was surprised by the response “you really don’t know the internet”. No I guess I don’t. I was deeply moved by the post, and thank Marie for her obviously heart felt words. I am passing the site onto my family so they can see the tribute for themselves.

    Thank You!


    (BTW I consider myself a Twi-Mom and actually am a fan of Robert Pattinson, and not just because of the name. I especially enjoyed him in” Water for Elephants” which I felt was better than the book.)

    • Emily,
      Thanks for sharing your story. You’ve reached out to the best of this fandom community…The ladies at this site are awesome and compassionate. God bless your cousin and your entire family. We mourn for all those who lost their lives and their families on that fateful day…We will never forget.
      THanks again, and be blessed.

  19. Emily
    we will all be thinking of you on this day That people all over the world hold close to their heart! your relative is one of the people who deserved to be remembered, when a life is lost a star Is born in another instead of feeling as robert is no longer here is soul and memory and stardom was passed to the famous and loved actor we know today ❤ I feel for you and although this will not help it may fill a small hole that the loss left in your heart there are people out there who will never forget rob and his memories are the best you could have
    sorry xxxx

  20. Thank you, Emily, for sharing this with us (and thanks ToR for posting) – name similarities aside, it’s important that we think about the individual people who were taken from us on that day and keep their memories alive. I lost my brother-in-law at this same time ten years ago (unrelated to the terrorist attacks), and while time passes, it’s still tough to deal with the absence. All the best to you and your family.

    And this – what I would refer collectively to as “The Twidom” – really IS a different little corner of the internet – and I am thankful for how special it is on a daily basis.

  21. I enjoyed reading this post. My heart goes out to the family of this gentleman and to all families who lost loved ones during 9-11 and the days following it.

  22. Pingback: An amazing tribute and a message | The Christian Gazette

  23. Pingback: An amazing tribute and a message(via Diary Of A Mad Conservative) | My Blog

  24. Pingback: Memory of 9/11 (& change of design theme for me)……… | Ysite……jpcootes

  25. Pingback: Remembering 9/11 Ten Years Later – Your Stories « Thinking of Rob

  26. I always think of Robert Pattison each 9/11 anniversary. I didn’t know him, but since we share the same (somewhat unusual) name, he has come to symbolize for me the massive loss our country sustained on that day.

  27. I live along way away in New Zealand but we also remember this very sad day. The things that came across the tv news that day are pictures I will have in my mind forever. I am so sorry for Emily and her family but Robert will live in your heart forever.

  28. At the northeast end of Horn Pond, there are some memorials for Robert E Pattison. My wife and I like the movie “Remember Me” starring Robert Pattison. The movie ends with the very poignant 9/11 scene. Is it a coincidence that the actor’s real name and someone killed that day are the same?

  29. I’ve seen a story on this and it is amazing what the child has to say!!

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